Monday, August 27, 2007

give back, do something good

I pass by a dark threadwork silhouetted against the hot, metallic night sky. Passing by old folks chatting away, I understand very little and can only guess it must be gossip or the daily hardship. I see children held close by their parents, precious young clad in simple sometimes dirty clothes, and wonder about their futures and their parents worries. Will they grow up working for 2.5 块 an hour? My knee creaks like an old gray tool already rusted, I ascend the stairs to my home and count my blessings with each level.

Two nights ago I had drinks and conversation with my wise, older friend Mast and a new Korean friend. It was nice because we three noticed and even spoke aloud of it our common dispositions. I have always been impressed with Mast's character, wisdom, intelligence, empathy, and sense of humor. A deep voice, serious face, and slow movements give a sense of experience and authority that go far beyond impression. He has helped with my studies, my girlfriend, and encouraged me to stay humble and kind. Mast recently began a real estate business with another guy; both were former students at my school. It is very hard, as a foreigner without a Chinese partner and without business level (though both of theirs is very good) Mandarin. However, when I hear Mast say that they will definitely be successful in the future I have no doubt. But it was this night that he told me that he and his partner planned on giving a significant portion of their income to a local child for education. My respect for him instantly burst forth: in my inebriation I congratulated and complimented and voiced my awe and enthusiasm. But alcohol or no, my inspiration was real.
Idealism is something I have always had in me, it is something we all have inside. I have pushed it aside in the recent past. But Mast and my friend P.Stone back in the States are real visionaries, and want to be successful in a way that does not involve stepping on heads to ford the river nor utilizing slavish labor. Idealism and success combined, business sense and benevolence intertwined is something I believe can be done and in the process make ourselves more fulfilled and happy.

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